Soeben hat die Clanbase eine Regeländerung
Unter anderem ist nun ein Spielen der für ein
5on5 angesetzen Spiele mit 4 Spielern nicht mehr möglich.
Dieses wurde manches Mal praktiziert, wenn ein Clan nur 4 Spieler zum Termin zur Verfügung hatte und der Gegner fairerweise auch mit 4 spielen spielen wollte.
ClanBase has 5on5, 3on3 and 2on2 ladders.
No other team-sizes are allowed in official matches.
This rule had to be changed since we added a CounterStrike
3on3 International ladder recently.
Demos: If this option is checked, all players
must record demos from the whole match
(one demo as CT and one as T from each map).
In case of a conflict after the match, both clans may
request up to 4 demos a map (3on3 matches:
2 a map, 2on2 matches: 1 a map) from the other clan.
If a clan fails to provide all the requested demos, or if
some of the requested demos are broken, the other clan
may request that the match be canceled. However 'broken'
demos in which you can still see that they are of the right
match, map and player will not be considered broken demos
for the above rule (although the demo might show
a different map or just a console)
Since we had a lot of conflicts about broken
demos we decided to add this to the rules.
Since it's easy to make demos broken on
purpose it will lead to a match cancel. However
if it's still possible to check whether they were the
right demos the result will stand since it's not easy
to make a demo broken on this special ways.
If you want to be sure not to get a cancelled match
because your demos are broken we recommend not
to play with the demos required rules until Valve
fixed the demo bugs.
Substituting players is allowed at any time
during a match, but you'll have to convince
your opponent to pause the match if you want
to do it in the middle of a round.
We got a lot of questions about whether it was
allowed to substitute players. It's allowed
however if it didn't concern connection
problems the opponent is not obligated to pause the match.
Any sort of bug exploiting is strictly prohibited.
Since it's impossible to cover all bugs we decided
to add this to the rules. If you have any doubt
about whether something is a bug exploit we
recommend you to contact a ClanBase CS admin
or make it a conflict if it the war has already
been played. Since every bug has a different
influence on the game the handling admin of
the conflict will decide the punishment.
frag ja nur!
hab ma bei den last matches geguckt und da stehen seid ewigkeiten keine cb matches mehr sondern nur noch SK und esl.
» IsF`basti
Was hat das damit zu tun ?
» sLaShEr
von wegen clanbase,seid ihr da nicht mehr aktiv?spielt ihr nur noch stammkneipe?
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