Nachdem vor einiger Zeit bereits TF2 Mac kompatibel gemacht wurde folgt dieser Schritt nun auch für CSS.
Zusätzlich gibt es jedoch noch ein Großes Update für CSS, welches zahlreiche Verbesserungen mit sich bringt, dies ist recht ungewöhnlich, da CSS um Gegensatz zu TF2 westentlich weniger gepatcht wird, obwohl es von mehr Spielern gespielt wird.
Hier einige Änderungen:
Player Stats:
New match and lifetime player stats and summary screens give you insight into how you play. You can tracks your kills, your deaths, and compare yourself against other players. Learn your accuracy with each weapon so no more guessing where you should be spending your money.
Over 140 unique achievements have been added. The achievements cover everything from defusing bombs and winning pistol rounds to dominating your first foe. Can you kill 5 opponents with a blast of C4 to earn the “Clusterstruck” achievement?
Updated Scoreboard:
Can you earn MVP by getting the most kills or defusing the bomb? Always know who on your team is contributing the most with the end round MVP award. And all your favorite Steam features have been added including avatar pictures, domination icons and more.
And More:
A new Death Cam that shows who killed you. The new domination and revenge system makes it personal. We have also included various Source Engine updates, bug fixes, and more.
gute besserungen -.- das update is richtig kacke ...
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