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» TF2.LIT 2nd at LAN
Kategorie: Lan von mark - 29.10.14 - 18:37 - 0 Kommentare News Logo

Hello fellow TF2 Player

Our TF2.LIT Squad LAN Results :

German Text below !

--------- English Version ------------

So, on 25th of October we, Entire, pasiutlige a.k.a sniegz, guz, Frager, Baccart, new, attended BETA LAN in Kaunas, Lithuania and we took the second place!

Here's the bracket

At the first rounds of the tournament we did not meet much of resistance:

Round 1 vs Krasava
5-0 gully, 3-0 viaduct. I can only remember my horrendous kritz attempt at gullywash and Krasava's members screaming from joy behind us. 2:38:44

Round 2 vs TEZC 403
5-0 badlands, 6-1 snake. 403 is our Lithuanian rival, although the whole atmosphere at LAN was friendly and we shook hands greeting each other, the steaks were high and we had to put up a good performance. 1:19:35
Upper Bracket Semifinals vs Mike+5
0-1 badlands, 3-1 process, 4-5 gully golden cap. This match couldn't have started without almost the best LAN moment - heavy fist fight to decide map picks! 4:49:08 - heavy fist fight
This was it, the game versus #1 seed prem/div1 mix team. Everyone was hyped, the game was big.
Badlands - This map was Mike+5 pick. We had a lot of chances to contest opponents' last point but kept screwing up. We were losing some fights which would have given us much needed cap time. Even exceptional play by Frager at the end of the map did not give us an edge needed.

Process - After close game on badlands, the beast that was considered being Mike+5 started bleeding. We smelled that and we put up a great performance by denying opponents' star player(s). Everyone went huge! Big plays made by our players turned stalemate to mayhem and mayhem to advantageous position.

Gullywash - Here came the decider map. Everyone was pumped and hyped after previous game. Cheers from the other players were unreal. The map was close: 1-0, 1-1, 3-1, 3-3, 4-4 after 30 minutes. Golden cap round - no time limit, only one round win. We took middle successfully and had several uber exchanges, position was favoring us, we even cut off the bloody combo on their second point but the frags did not go our way. We wiped. They clutched it. Their medic survived and we did not manage to pull off successful last hold. - matches
Lower Bracket finals vs TEZC 403

5-0 gullywash, 2-1 process. After the close game versus Mike+5 we got eliminated to the loser's bracket and had to face TEZC 403 once more. Gullywash was a quick methodical sweep, there's nothing to say more. However, I have to present the situation before explaining what happened on process. This LAN is one day LAN, this means you have to finish the whole tournament in one day and if you have to play the most matches of all the contestants (11 to be precise), the fatigue will start kicking in. And it bloody did. It did not help that the last night we had some drinks with fellow players at the bar and hostel. Although, we did not get drunk and no hangovers occurred, we had to wake up at 7:30 a.m. to make it to KTU on 9 a.m. where the action took place. It meant that all of us slept for 5 hours at best. This was starting to haunt us. You may ask what time it was when we started the second map, it was 00:30 a.m. I think I have never drunk that much coffee in entire of my life. So, what's up with the map? 2-1 score was achieved ignoring the fact that we lacked the coordination, started to lose DM fights, couldn't count our uber advantages or even couldn't hold decent positioning. Nonetheless, the second place was secured. 0:11:47

Finals vs Mike+5
1-3 snake, 2-5 badlands. One word. Fatigue. What can I remember from the finals? That Baccart made a pun during the warm up - "We are tired. Entired" That's how bad the situation was. Coffee and food did not really help. Our game play quality had dropped tremendously. 1:39:06 I haven't watched this VOD yet.

I feel like I'm repeating myself already but We won the second place!

------ Deutsche Version ---------

Round 1 vs Krasava
5-0 gully, 3-0 viaduct. - Ich kann mich nur errinnern, das Krasava Fans aus Spass hinter uns geschrien haben. Runde 1 war ohne grosse Gegenwehr.

Round 2 vs TEZC 403
5-0 badlands, 6-1 snake. - Der Clan 403 ist der Lokale Rivale aus Lithuanian, dennoch war die gesammte Atmosphaere gut auf der LAN. Wir schuettelten Haende und gruessten uns freudlich vor dem Spiel, die Stimmung war ideal und wir legten eine gute Leistung hin.

Upper Bracket Semifinals vs Mike+5
0-1 badlands, 3-1 process, 4-5 gully golden cap. - Diese Match konnte nicht besser gestartet werden : Heavy Melee Fight fuer die MapWahl !

Lower Bracket finals vs TEZC 403
5-0 gullywash, 2-1 process. - Nach der knappen Niederlage gegen Mike+5 wurden wir ins LoserBracket verschoben. Dort mussten wir wieder gegen TEZC 403 antreten.

Finals vs Mike+5
1-3 snake, 2-5 badlands - Ein Wort : Erschöpfung (im Team)
An was kann ich mich von den Finals errinnern ? Ich war Hundemuede :)

Da die LAN an einem Tag gespielt wurde, waren wir, trotz tonnen von Kaffee, einfach zu Muede um noch erfolgreich den Sieg einzufahren.

So sicherte sich das Squad den 2ten Platz.

------ Links if you want to know more about the LAN. --------
------ Links ueber die LAN, falls Du mehr Infos suchst --------

Teams that attended the LAN:
This event was streamed by, you can see VODs here: I think they'll be uploaded to their youtube channel at some point.
Photo gallery, there were many photographers, they dump all the photos here:

The after BETA LAN short:
Feedback thread:
BETA LAN official website:
BETA LAN facebook page:

There has to be a wrap-up article about BETA TF2 LAN, huhy stated that the LAN was a great success and it was the most watched game of this event, ZOWIE which sponsored TF2 part of the LAN was happy about the viewer numbers and attendance.

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